Rainforest Action Network

Joined HCSA August  2014
Category: NGO

Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.

Rainforest Action Network implements the HCSA

  • Advocates and promotes the uptake of HCSA’s No Deforestation tools to producers and commodity users globally
  • Contributes to HCSA No Deforestation policies, protocols and guidance followed by producers, commodity users and stakeholders
  • Assists piloting adaptations of the HCSA Toolkit for different commodities, geographic regions, land managers and scales of operation

RAN is a founding member of the HCSA and a member of the HCSA Executive Committee.

Ran is also a member of the HCSA working groups for Quality Assurance, Protection, Social Requirements, Large scale Implementation Technical Working Group, the HCSA Membership Committee, No Deforestation Joint Steering Group and Communication Task Force.

RAN has negotiated a significant number of No Deforestation, No Peatland and No Exploitation policies that include commitments to implement the HCSA by commodity users, producers and financiers.

RAN promotes the integration of the HCSA into certification schemes and other initiatives, such as the Palm Oil Innovation Group.  Our advocacy efforts have contributed to trialling of the HCSA toolkit in landscape and jurisdictional approaches in Indonesia.

RAN provides in-kind support for HCSA projects and communications.

RAN has evaluated policies against the HCSA’s Social Requirements – see here.

RAN was one of the organizations that represented the HCSA in the HCS Convergence Working Group that reached agreement on convergence between the HCSA and HCS+ approaches.